
Whitt Consulting Group

Everything about Whitt Consulting Group’s branding is clean and easy on the eyes, so that people see what WCG does best, without a lot of clutter. 

A well designed website gives people the information they need in an instant and pulls them in to interact.
See more of the Whitt Consulting Group website. 

Whitt Consulting Trade Show Displays

Trade shows are another arena where simplicity is vital. The display needs to reach people across the room. A headline needs to quickly say what you do supported by graphics that draw in your audience. These are critical factors in a large conference hall filled with many booths and vendors. A simple, sophisticated booth can create the impact you want.


The client’s perspective:

“Whitt Consulting Group has utilized Winsbro Design for our brand identity, printed materials, web design, and trade show displays and will continue to employ their services for all of our future marketing needs. Linda Winsbro and her team consistently deliver exceptional service and professionalism throughout a variety of applications and have been a tremendous asset to our business development efforts.”

Jody Whitt, Principal
Whitt Consulting Group

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